Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Spot Handbags Brand Counterfeiting

How To Spot Handbags Brand Counterfeiting
With its high price, there are many imitation designer Prada Handbag sold in the market today. In the Internet alone, there are literally hundreds of websites selling fake brand bags at low cost. Some scammers do not even say that the designer handbags on their sites are imitations design. And to be totally honest, some are so close in design and workmanship to the original that only a true designer handbag expert can tell if it's true or Reel Deal. So how can we identify the true from the false without having the necessary years and years of experience with designer handbags?

Presentation design

Thank God, then the Internet makes it easy to compare the original date, only a fake log in the website of the brand of Juicy Couture Handbag and upload an image that you want to explore. All websites take close-ups, and stock exchanges that lead to make it easier for consumers to identify the differences in design, editing, and even the color of the yarn used. Some websites also make suggestions that will continue to support tell the difference.

Come tissue

Remember to pay big bucks for Givenchy Handbag is not only paying for the name, but also to materials used and the quality of its craftsmanship. Most handbags are handmade, pearls and more. The materials used to produce designer handbags are high-end line, and the first. As a premium brand has a rigorous quality control, you can be sure you get the most for your money. It is a means to detect forgeries. If there is a problem with stitching or with any part of the designer handbag, it might not be the real thing. Only the designer handbags that are perfectly well done to the smallest details are the ones you're sure to be original.

Do not forget the details

While cutting the basic shape and dimensions of the Marc Jacobs Handbag can be the same as the original, small details, such as locks, hinges, interior pockets will be different. Sometimes the material itself will feel the same, but the result is. Next, make sure the prints are clear and clean print. Also, pay special attention to cuffs, collar, buckles and other trimmings and a bag, can not refer to the very end.

In addition, when buying make sure you know the brands and designer labels symbols like most designer knock-offs would not dare copy the exact trademark. Jimmy Choo Handbag, for example, should have the Hermes Paris stamp while the Versace, Hugo Boss and Dolce and Gabbana should have authentic inside tags.

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